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Director, Producer and Curator:
Diana Coelho and Jefferson Cabral
Production Assistants:
Talita Santiago and Bethise Cabral
Support: Edital Pauta Livre TCP (FJA)
Departamento de Comunicação (UFRN)
IFRN Campus Natal (Cidade Alta)
Mandato da Ver. Divaneide Basílio (PT)
SESSÃO TEIA-BRAIL is an exhibition and discussion project about contemporary brazilian cinema. In the first edition, in May, we screened the short film Codinome Breno (Manuel Batista, 2018) and the feature Torre das Donzelas (Susanna Lira, 2018) at the Teatro de Cultura Popular Chico Daniel.
In the second edition, in August, in partnership with the Department of Communication (UFRN), we screened the feature Amores de Chumbo (Tuca Siqueira, 2017) followed by a chat with the director and teachers Maria Angela Pavan and Janaine Aires.
And in the third edition, in September, we received the director Pedro Severien for the launch of his collection Todas as Cores da Noite e outros filmes que andam juntos. After the exhibition there was a conversation with the director mediated by the professor Rodrigo Almeida.
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